Watch “BRAVECTOPETITION.ORG - WORLD ANIMAL DAY - October 4, 2019 - -100.000-signatures-to-EMA



In memory of Rico and all the  other dogs that didn’t survive....



Is Bravecto safe to use against ticks and fleas?

No, it definitely is not! Your vet will tell you it’s safe. But the truth is that many serious side effects (including deaths) are reported World wide, and none of them are included on the Bravecto medication leaflet! They are using our dogs as “Guinea Pigs”.....This page is created in memory of "Rico" and all the other dogs that didn’t survive this drug.....
Sign the 4 petitions below against the "Tick & Flea treatment" Bravecto that caused severe health problems and killed many dogs all over the world already.....







About my dog “Rico”: Rico was a healthy, vivid, life enjoying dog. To protect him against the risk of ticks bites we gave him a tick & flea treatment called "Bravecto" (produced by MSD/MERCK USA). Our veterinarian said it was a "very safe medication". We trusted him, and so we gave “Rico” the “tasty chew”.
But instead of protecting him it poisoned his body, and killed him in only 4 weeks time! And this happened to many other dogs as well.

  Help us now to prevent more dogs from suffering or getting killed by this poisonous drug. This should never happen again!

Please sign the International petition below to get this very dangerous insecticide off the market immediately!




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